November 12, 2018
Deciding who to invite to your wedding can be extremely stressful! How far do you go into your family? Is your 5th cousin twice removed REALLY invited? What about that friend from high school who invited you to her wedding 7 years ago but hasn’t talked to you since? Do you invite children? There is so many factors to consider when inviting guests but there is a few ways to make the deciding easier. Start by making a list of everyone and anyone you MAY want to invite with you partner. After that start with family. How far back into your family will you go? Once you decide that, stick to it on both sides so no one gets offended. A good rule is that if yo invite one uncle, invite all your uncles! Make sure both you and your partner have about an equal number of guests. The next call you have to make is regarding children. Children can be tricky because some people do not appreciate the increased energy that kids bring to the wedding. Make sure to talk thoroughly with your partner first before making this decision. You also must decide if you will follow the “plus-one” protocol. If so, maybe making a stipulation of “serious relationship” plus-one’s only could help keep random people you do not know out of your wedding. There is a lot to think about when deciding on your guest list, but the one thing to remember is that this is YOUR day. You want whoever you are going to invite to make sure you will have the time of your life!
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